Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Bayside - Rotary India

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History of the RC Navi Mumbai Bayside


ROTARY CLUB OF NAVI MUMBAI BAYSIDE is the result of sincere, dedicated and selfless efforts of two chartered members of Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Hillside


These Rotarians have their respective offices at Sector-11, CBD Belapur, which is supposed to be the heart of Navi Mumbai, popularly known as C.B.D. i.e. Central Business District, where many corporate offices came up in a short span of 5 years , close to Railway Station . Rtn. A.I. Mulla surveyed and assessed the social aptitude of persons residing in and carrying on their vocations around and put in his best efforts to find out the pearls , gems and jewels from this “Bay” who would impart their valuable knowledge and put in their invaluable services in the gears of ROTARY in general and for the welfare of HUMANITY in particular. The area covered under it’s territorial jurisdiction, is Sector-11,15,24 of CBD , NRI Seawoods Estate and Kendriya Vihar . Both the charter Rotarians are involved in Rotary movement since 1988-89 . One more old Rotarian of Hill Side club Dr. Mahesh Kumar was requested to join the movement. These members accepted the challenges of Rotary growth and brought in a bright Star on the Horizon of Navi Mumbai in the form of “Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai BAYSIDE” to give better service to the community with the support and blessing of District Governor Rtn. Dr. JT Vyas, during the year 1998-99. It took six months to comply with the requirements and complete the process.

There was positive response and encouragement from the professionals for their support, which led to the formation of the Club. Founders were then asked to approach Clubs in Navi Mumbai for sponsorship .

Thirty members were on the roll to join Rotary. The process continued for nearly 2 to 3 months and finally with the help , assistance and guidance of Rtn. Dr. Lalit Katkar as the GSR for the New Club, the new babe was adopted by the President of Rotary Club of Kalyan, Rtn. Dawoodbhai Bhetasiwala and it was blessed and nourished by then DGE Rtn. Rajkumar Bagadia and the District Governor Rtn. Dr. JT Vyas who was instrumental in the process of formation and played an important role in launching the New Club in the name of ROTARY CLUB OF NAVI MUMBAI BAYSIDE, as proposed by Rtn. Subhash Bijlani . Dreams of Founders came true and the first official meeting was held on 28th June ,1999, in the well decorated and spacious Hall of CCGRT at Sector-15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614. Number of dignitaries from the District 3140 witnessed the auspicious day .

The charter of Bayside was received on 30.6.1999 for 25 Charter Members of the New Club.

The official launching and installation function was held on 1.8.1999 and was witnessed by IPDG Dr. J.T. Vyas, being the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour was DGE Rtn. Kumar Kewalramani, attended by Rtn. Dr. Lalit Katkar , IPP, Rtn. Dawoodbhai Betasiwala of Rotary Club of Kalyan and their Club members. The function was held at the Auditorium of CCRT of ICSI, presided over by Chartered President Rtn. Dr. Sudhirchandra Nanasaheb Kadam along with Dr. Mahesh kumar as Chartered Secretary and Rtn. Prakash Shrivastav as the Chartered President Elect .

The Club also published its 1st Bulletin BAYWATCH on the First day of August 1999 i.e. on a “Friendship Day” with the Blessing and massage of DG Rajkumar Bagadia, for a Star born on the Horizon of Rotary. The name BAYWATCH for the Club Bulletin was proposed by Rtn. Subhash Bijlani.

Rtn. Dr. Trilochan Singh of Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai Seaside was the 1st GCR of the Club and Rtn. Purshottam D. Patel of Rotary Club of Kalyan as the Asst. Governor to take care and nourish it.

For RY 2018-19, Rtn Commander Rajiv K Gupta has been elected as President and supported by Rtn RN Verma as Secretary and Rtn Bhavesh Parekh as Treasurer.